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terry hallinan

04/23/15 7:00 PM

#3508 RE: edge #3507

The science is first rate, licensed from U Penn, and is in the hot area of immuno-oncology, vaccines that kill cancer. It uses a listeria vector

Yvonne Paterson, the scientific founder of ADXS, was the professor at Penn who devised and experimented with the ADXS' vaccine for a couple decades. Listeria is not a vector but an adjuvant - a poison or microbe or other material that stimulates the immune system. Many biotechs and drug companies were naturally frightened by the thought of infecting dying cancer volunteers with a virulent pathogen.

The CEO is Dan O"Conner, who as CEO of Imclone sold that company for $6 billion

Why are you trying to frighten us? :-)

ImCclone overcame a problem that had bedeviled scientists for decades trying to stimulate the immune system with mouse antibodies. Chimeric antibodies, part mouse and part human, was a great advance but not remotely that offered by Prof. Paterson's invention IMHO.

I am not looking for a quick sale for pottage that many sellouts seek.

All JMO.

Best, Terry