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04/23/15 4:11 PM

#204750 RE: mwab52 #204749

How is getting behind it on a stock forum going to help? Have you actually ever tried to find any of the products in stores in your area? I used to have several Spartan stores in my area that carried 1000+ but sales were poor and they put the product on clearance and now they don't carry it. The huge majority of the products are things most people never buy. Have you ever bought s product to fumigate your house, or TrackMoist to keep the dust down. or Brilliant to wet clean your clothes, or a product to clean firefigheter equip? Well most people haven't. This company needs a lot more in sales that what it's going to get from a few shareholders and the CEO has destroyed the shareholders so badly over the years that you can't even get people to touch the shares because they know the history of the company and that the stock is on life support. NOBODY that did 15 minutes of DD would ever buy this stock. Why would ANYONE buy a stock that doesn't even trade on most days? I could find hundreds or thousands of other stocks to place my bet with much better odds than this piece of crap. I have yet to hear anyone tell me how Eric can keep the doors open with no cash and sales that only pay half of the operating cost? The company makes NOTHING themselves so they have NO assets and falling sales so who in their right mind would give them a loan?


04/23/15 4:19 PM

#204751 RE: mwab52 #204749

Penny players reward penny companies that make sound growth driving decisions that propel shareholder value!

In WNBD's case they once had an adoring audience hanging on the CEO's every word!

What the CEO did with that trust is turn it into a babblin' blog bamboozle-fest by purposely putting out an endless supply of carrot dangling blogs he never came close to delivering on!

And he did that all the while he was selling millions of dollars in discount stock out the back door!

Whenever pos-land CEO's take trust and destroy it like that it's not something easily or ever forgotten!

WNBD's CEO created the fatal mistake of making promises he damn well knew he couldn't keep and fell in love with selling discount stock not the products he manages!

So whenever people say stay positive, one never knows, support the company regardless or whatever other rose colored view they want to project...all they're really saying is that the company is completely and utterly derailed by the CEO's own decisions...and it's easier to put the blinders on and pretend the total destruction didn't occur than it is to just admit that the CEO's a total failure who killed his company and shareholders by his own hand!

Most pos-land CEO's learn from their past mistakes but not this one! He's fool enough to believe that putting out the patterned blog rhetoric that already helped destroy his once adoring audience is status quo...and rebranding/recycling all the already proven non-selling products with new names and new blogs is suddenly going to create sales instead of getting off his damn blog and taking his hand off the discount share selling schemes and actually hitting the pavement and try to create sales!

There's no company here anymore...all you have is 1 guy sitting behind a computer at his virtual office putting out patterned blog rhetoric spending his days trying to sell discount stock to keep the endless cycle going!

He had his chance to do something good with the millions of dollars raised from all his sales of discount stock but blew it!

And that's what happens to all dumb pos-land CEO's who actually start believing their own never ending prattle even though they see executives, employees and salesmen leaving all around them...they're dumb enough to believe that they can still put out endless hogwash blogs that never become reality...and dumb enough to believe that the discount share selling cash cow they created from weaving their larger than life story will never end!

This CEO's karma has come full circle solely created by his own hand!


04/23/15 6:14 PM

#204756 RE: mwab52 #204749

Very nicely said, mwab52. What a refreshing post!


04/27/15 10:27 AM

#204780 RE: mwab52 #204749

I have said in the past that the CEO needs the shareholders behind him for this to succeed but that will never happen again until the CEO and the crew at Winning Brands are behind the shareholders. In the hay day when the shareholders were 100% behind the company the future looked bright. But that all changed when the CEO started lying to the shareholders about an RS and other events and the company has never been the same. To this day the CEO has never shown any remorse for the way he treated shareholders and his only reply was all about himself and how he was hurt by the comments shareholders were making. As long as Eric and employees attempt to mislead shareholders and refuse to be honest with them the shareholders and past shareholders will NEVER be behind this company again. Unfortunately that is something Eric and the crew have never figured out and so things continue as they were.