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04/22/15 11:26 PM

#98885 RE: 1hb #98872

Well I have to say that after reading through this post I'm a little dislocated but also curiously refreshed, similar to having three tequila shots in short order.

I've yet to discover any information here or elsewhere that legitimately questions the science owned by CTIX and that is therefore, in a modest way, owned by me. Dana Farber, University of Bologna, MD Anderson......c'mon, they see hucksters by the dozens daily and they only put their money where the opportunity beckons.

Investor relation issues? Check. Corporate governance that needs lots of sorting? Check. Difficulty preparing data submissions to the FDA with i's dotted and t's crossed? I'm guessing check, and that might also apply to NASDAQ. Tending to the over-promise, adjective-laden side of the fence in public communications? Another check.

But under-delivering on the science, the primary lifeblood that must run in the veins of any successful biotech start-up? No check on that one. That part of this little engine is full steam ahead.