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04/20/15 8:48 AM

#219395 RE: AlanC #219394

There last filing was almost 10 years ago, yes a DECADE.

No product or service was created the company. nada

Eli's Gone

04/20/15 9:57 AM

#219396 RE: AlanC #219394

for the abuse they suffered at the hands of the abusive naked shorts

That's funny---here's some of the shares that rained down on shareholders heads---must have been part of "the brilliant plan":


04/20/15 11:53 AM

#219397 RE: AlanC #219394

FFGO management took steps to insure that its shareholders would be well compensated for the abuse they suffered at the hands of the abusive naked shorts.

lol, alan, so how many years has the complete BS claim been made?

of course, reality is that FFGO management took steps to insure that its stuckholders would get absolutely nothing as it was them who robbed investors blind.

Militia Man

04/22/15 9:54 PM

#219403 RE: AlanC #219394

Per filings, NMGL is a key. Timing, if one looks is intense. 8-10 years, really? Wow! ROI and leave?

Militia Man

04/22/15 11:45 PM

#219410 RE: AlanC #219394

Check the FFGO diary, it is full of it..


04/24/15 8:26 PM

#219412 RE: AlanC #219394

Hay everywon,

You bet FFGO managagement is on the ball. Thay are the bestest managemetn in the world because they managed to take hour money.

Clas dismised!