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04/19/15 11:57 AM

#45391 RE: bigd5 #45376

It could be. But Occam's Razor dictates that the simplest solution is usually the best. That is to say, it usually isn't useful to construct a more complex and elaborate solution to explain a situation when a simpler solution is in front of you.

My first thought about them not selling very much is "they think this thing is going big."

Another way of applying Occam's razor in a different direction, in relation to this stock THCZ, would be they day of the big drop. My initial reaction when I saw all the negative posts was to SELL and SELL NOW!!! This thing is GOING TO HE!!! But then I saw the same folks saying the same thing over and over and thought that doesn't mesh. The simplest solution if I thought this thing were going to tank would be to sell it, write a post about it to process and move on. Maybe look at it in a week to see if i was right. But when someone tells you they hate something 15x a day for a month solid, in a little different way each time and they still hang around that thing, now a more complex solution is in order, because why would they stay?

Im telling you all this to say that ironically enough, it's the chicken littles that made me want to sell initially and then want to hold after post # 15 in a few minutes. With each post I continue to think why don't they want me in this stock? What do they gain by me being out of this stock? So I had to construct a more complex solution. The people that tear this stock down day after day have something to gain by this stock dropping or losing value.

I agree with the admin (Dave I think) that told me the other day, EVERYONE here has an agenda. You do. I do. The mods do. there is nothing wrong with that. My position allows me to be able to be transparent. i own it. a lot of it.

My agenda? I want it to rise. I don't care if Jerry is actually a werewolf. I don't care if the lawyer is covered in scales and sits coiled up in the corner all day long hissing. IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE MONEY WITH BAD PEOPLE IF THEY WANT THE SAME THING AS YOU. ITS ACCEPTABLE TO MAKE MONEY WITH BAD PEOPLE IF THEY ARENT HURTING OTHERS IN THE PROCESS. ON THIS PARTICULAR STOCK I SEE NO EVIDENCE OF THAT HAPPENING. PEOPLE WANT DRINKS, THEY SELL THEM DRINKS. They appear to me to be doing nothing wrong at this time. They may have in the past but people change. Maybe Jerry got it right this time. Maybe he's trying to atone for when he didn't get it right. He's never hurt me. But i'll benefit if he gets it right. (This is speculation. I don't know the man)

What I do care about is that they have a real product that tastes pretty good and that they are genuinely trying to make this work. If they sold all their shares I'd think.."hmmm, there gonna leave me holding the bag." They may yet. I realize that. If they do, I'll lose 5k. If they don't I may never have to work again.

Real product that tastes good. I figure that is very rare here in the OTC.

Thats as candid as I can be about me.

(I hope this is vanilla enough being about the stock and directed to no poster specifically (not even the one I replied to). This is not meant to be an attack on any one person or persons. Just how I see the market around THCZ the stock. I have read the rules for posting. Mods if you delete this please cite why in a pm so I can correct it and repost. I'll save a copy and fix it. TIA)