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04/17/15 3:17 PM

#110159 RE: Snowy_Owl #110158

That's awesome news!!! Any advice on how I can turn that into profitable dollars other than by doing a contrarian total-opposite style and shorting NNVC?


04/17/15 3:21 PM

#110161 RE: Snowy_Owl #110158

Last I heard the bottom was at $5.42 per share. I prefer my own call which was to sell at $5.42 instead of thinking that's the laughable bottom and be ready for two clams.

I apologize if 2 clams didn't come in Summer 2014 and we had to wait for Summer 2015, but all that means is everybody was given a golden gift of a full year to dump this trash BEFORE two clams. What a blessing, right?


04/17/15 3:23 PM

#110162 RE: Snowy_Owl #110158

In February 2014 NNVC was nearly $5 per share.
Today it's hanging by a thread just above $2 per share.

Are Seymour and the promoters so shameless to be really proud of this 60% collapse?