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04/17/15 1:10 PM

#59965 RE: ANTman2015 #59961

hi ANT, seems your DD is a little outdated....I believe you will need to go back a little bit and research the many applications that INCC has submitted for many different steps of the licensing process...Also let me show you the STATE APPLICATION PROCESS and all of its MOVING PARTS - this way you understand that when applying for these things you need to have many steps accomplished before that last application is submitted....

Here, let me help you out, I hope you are SMILING and HAPPY like me today, IM feeling GREAT ABOUT INCC - think BIG THINGS can happen here as long as they STAY THE COURSE....

here ya go buddy!!!!

there are 5 MAJOR SECTIONS to the FINAL LICENSING APPLICATION FOR THE STATE OF COLORADO ( this is NOT the county license - which is what they will need FIRST before they apply for this state license - and by the way - this state license is the easier process )

inside these 5 MAJOR ITEMS - there are more items that are broken down inside of these items

lets start with

FIRST PART: COMPLETE APPLICATION - seems simple by explanation but it is not as simple as just filling out an application because of the many things that need to be submitted with that application

in addition to the application above, there are 3 additional forms that need to be completed also and submitted (these are signature only style forms but they allow the State to do their investigations once they received these 3 additionals forms)

THIRD PART: this is the fun part here - 13 different items that are needed in order to complete this section IN ADDITION the last sentence of this part as you can see - it is open - they pretty much can REQUEST anything they want - and then continue to keep asking you for more documents until they are happy and content with this section bring complete . . .

FOURTH PART: Fees - fairly straight forward and easy to understand - PAYMENT of Fees - believe it or not - its the easiest part...

FIFTH PART: appointment to SUBMIT - some people think this is as easy as a simple drop off - NOPE - WRONG AGAIN - first you need to get the appointment, then once you are there - YOUR PAPERWORK BETTER be PERFECT - if it is not they will send you away in MOst cases and make you go and fix your paperwork - and then you will need to schedule another appointment - before you can submit again - when you come back the second time - you better hope they do not find something that they didnt catch the first time - because they will send you away again and make you schedule another appointment - THIS IS HOW THEY WORK - and you have to deal with it

BOTTOM LINE is - once this application is Submitted and COLORADO does their processing - they will then call these guys to let them know if their entire application was acceptable and if they are willing to issue them a license -

this company will have been checked out very thoroughly - the STATE is not going to be issuing a license to a SHARE SELLING SCAM in my opinion

IN ADDITION - them achieving this license - puts them in a serious POSITION of business because having a license to grow MARIJUANA in colorado on 5 acres of land for BOTH RECREATIONAL AND MEDICAL USE - that is worth something in my opinion

there is much work to be done, and there are hundreds of steps that need to be followed to the "T"

for some of you that have been here for a while - this should also explain to how - HOW EASILY some deals can be delayed -

and rather then assuming the worst in all delayed cases - many times - it is just a delay because the process is very cumbersome

good luck to everyone - I am looking forward to seeing these guys KNOCK THIS STATE APPLICATION PROCESS OUT OF THE PARK - and GET A LICENSE!!!!!!!!!!!