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04/17/15 8:56 AM

#215798 RE: wwtmm #215796

no charges, no indictments, no investigation known of, pphm refusing to call it sabotage, she said he said "evidence", offer by pphm to settle for low policy limits ....hardly sounds like conspiracy.
Occam's Razor - The Simplest Answer is Usually Correct - she messed up and pphm was incompetent in their selection and vetting. Then they go to kickoff meeting and concerned about her capabilities but say nothing? The biggest event in company history and they are winging it.
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04/17/15 8:57 AM

#215800 RE: wwtmm #215796

Given her background, I believe she minimally "knew what she was doing". I think she either was overconfident in whatever she was doing either turning out differently or perhaps never being detected. I don't believe she did all this at the risk of losing not just her job but profession, one that she seemed pretty involved in by the looks of her employment history and affiliations. While we will never know what happened probably, I can't come up with a reason why she individually would have done all this, with a separate set of records, without some THING or some ONE influencing her behavior in a strong fashion. A little cheating or short cutting on the job (no matter who/where) happens every day. But when you take steps to either document or cover your misbehavior it immediately smacks of more, IMHO. The posts earlier that talked about Pere's TIMING on getting Bavee out there being inconvenient for someone really resonate with me. Either someone wanted to slow it down in favor of other advances/alternatives or knock it down and force a cheaper sale all the while knowing the goods were terrific. I am not a fan of the Bod, or some of their behaviors but 100% believe that salvaging all this nonsense and getting a 3-trial will eventually work out okay. I would love to be sitting with the SP at $30 or higher or own a bunch of Abvee shares or something, but remember, "the ox is slow but the earth is patient". IMHO.