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04/16/15 9:15 PM

#274542 RE: Moneytree420 #274540

big blast coming

LMAO, the only blast coming is a 50 mil dump tomorrow to pay the prize money at the races Saturday night. Can I get an AMEN?


04/17/15 12:03 AM

#274544 RE: Moneytree420 #274540

Funny, BBDA legal team responded to the FDA 6 weeks ago. Why no mention of this from BBDA or you in your previous posts and why the big deal now? All is not good until the FDA posts a close out date on their website, which is 100% accurate. Your words and BBDA's words are not. Share price is down 98% since you started posting that "accumulate cheap shares" BS at .05 right after the 100 to 1 RS in Dec. What a bunch of douches.