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Big Mur

05/24/06 6:15 PM

#5917 RE: zagyzebra #5916

If I may:

This is more for general penny stocks, and not specifically for mining, but it's a free "e-book" that may clear up some of the attributes that are unique to penny stocks. It should, in part, fill in some of the blanks.
And for the purpose of disclosure: I am not a subscriber of the site I'm suggesting... I simply think the "free book" is a good primer for penny stocks.


05/24/06 8:15 PM

#5920 RE: zagyzebra #5916

Hi Zagy;

Here are a couple of sites that offer very good information regarding penny stock investing :

1) This is a pay subscription newsletter that specializes in penny stock investments. Peter has a very solid reputation for better than average success in penny stock recommendations...for around $175/yr.

However, the websites offers a superb introduction course on penny stock investing that is free. It is very lengthy, and, takes you in all the ins and outs of penny investments.

Excellent site. Click on "Penny Stock Basics" on left side, and go through 7 free reports/lessons.

2) A very good site, also, offering education and investment guidelines, special to penny stocks.

Go to website and click "Pink Sheet Stocks" and also "Penny Stocks" and you will have a tremendous free information at your finger tips.

I am unaware of any Penny site dedicated solely to minerals/gold/silver ......Experience by traveling ther many, many free boards that are available on the web....and you research the various opportunities that everyone is discussing at any given time.

You will find, over time, many penny mining stocks that rocket to dollar land once they go into full production. The best opportunity is to get into a penny stock ( still only pennies ) at the "pilot" production stage, like FMNJ is now, while they are analyzing the initial reports. This is the pure speculation phase that is not yet really based on solid financials yet.

Once into full production, the stock takes off to dollar land if all the "pilot" reports are positive and the future volume looks very good.

One stock I followed, Tone Gold Resources, was trading below .15 last Nov/05 ( 7 months ago ), and has traded over $2 recently...... Is the stock worth $2....of course not !! It may be moving in that direction, but this was a pure speculation play ( like FMNJ is ) when the value was less than .15 only 7 months ago.

So to all the newbies that are strung out trying to out do each other in lame attempts to sound inteligent by "over analyzing" penny stocks in the same manner as the Dow Jones stocks...please ! These pneeny stocks CAN and DO go into dollar land within a year !!!!!

These are pure your research, listen to what other posters are saying about the stock you are interested in ( the ones investing, not the bashers that like to read their own postings and have very little to offer.)

This board has too many posters that are not investing in FMNJ, and, only like to bash stocks and try to sound like they are intelligent.....and fail miserably.

But, on the other hand, they are several investors on this board that offer very good perspectives and information.

All information ( positive and or negative ) about the particular penny stock, is valuable, as long as it is posted from someone is is actually investing in it.

If what you hear and read sounds have a good "gut" feeling, than go with it.

Best to you Nagy.