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04/15/15 1:27 PM

#12324 RE: RSF612 #12322

At a stop sign or walking through a parking lot here, the smell of weed is in the air. Arkansas has the highest per capita teen age pregnantcies. My grand kids went to school here, and 1/4 of the junior girls class never graduates because of babies.....and 1/4 of the boys because they can't cut it, being stoned every day.
Half the weeks arrests shown in Monday's paper, are drug related and half the other half are break-ins for things to sell for drugs.
My grand daughters were raised right but I still felt rewards help. So their birthday in the 9th grade, I put a hundred dollar bill in their card and told them there will be one more added each year to stay in school and finish without being a mother or expecting. It worked and they are married no with children. lol
