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04/13/15 2:09 PM

#14348 RE: deadboy #14347

AGI/RII never sold any products for the Blackberry Playbook. Amiga Inc did not sell that line of business to WRIT. I think I've seen that mentioned a couple of times in this forum, and it was in one of the early interviews- IIRC Retro Gamer Magazine.

Here is your own press release.

Amiga Games Inc., a Newly Acquired Company of Writers Group Film Corp, Announces Classic Game Releases Through BlackBerry World for BlackBerry Z10, Q10 and PlayBook
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04/14/15 4:24 AM

#14350 RE: deadboy #14347

The first source was a PR from the beginning of July. The second is an article written a couple of days later by someone paraphrasing a PR (Many people confused "Amiga Games Inc" and "Amiga Inc." in the beginning.) When the sale closed mid-August (weeks later), WRIT elected not to buy the existing Blackberry line of business. WRIT could release new titles for Blackberry, but the titles Amiga Inc was selling in the Blackberry store at the time of the sale stayed with Amiga Inc.

Does it run on fairy-dust?

Yes, as a matter of fact it does run on fairy dust. You're now mentioning there might be alternatives to the official Kickstart from Cloanto. This is good progress, considering the number of times you've fud'ed here about the Cloanto ROMs.

Amiga Games Inc never even existed and was made out of thin air

Correct. Why? WRIT wanted some of Amiga Inc's assets, not all of Amiga Inc.

This is not Amiga related...You have nothing to do with the Amiga.

(Assuming by "you" you mean WRIT/AGI/RII and not me personally, since I'm not part of WRIT/AGI/RII.)

I'm happy you get it now. It's unfortunate you didn't understand this all the times you've posted Amiga Inc news here, especially negative Amiga Inc news, as it sounded like you were portraying the two businesses as fundamentally connected, as if somehow bad things happening to Amiga Inc meant those bad things effected WRIT and Amiga Games Inc.

If it isn't in an official press release or in an SEC filing, it didn't happen.

I agree. People shouldn't believe things random people post on forums. They should do their own research.