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04/13/15 4:07 PM

#9381 RE: dog turd cannon #9379

Dog Turd, Ever been to Las Vegas in the summer?

If you walk down the strip it is hot as Hell, Like 117 degrees or so.

Ever notice those misters that spray a mist into the air and cools the air down?
ever notice how these misters are not on the sidewalk so the cool air would rise up to cool all these people that were walking around enjoying the summer heat?

I have often wondered why do they put those misters above everyone s head?

COuld it be that when they installed these they used a different math than yours that makes this air fall and not rise like the math you performed.

Could it be that math controls everything, it just all in how you figure it?

Perhaps Jethro Bodine was correct when he performed the not + not = 3.


04/13/15 4:44 PM

#9382 RE: dog turd cannon #9379

Just because you keep repeating it doesn't make it right.

It's common knowledge that warm air rises.

Why wouldn't cold air sink?

The mass of the displaced Nitrogen is negligible.


04/14/15 12:03 PM

#9399 RE: dog turd cannon #9379

I have already written out numerous times the math to show the air mass moves up. This project is dead in the sand so to speak.

this is what you told Thinman.

How does your math show by cooling the air at the top of the tower makes the air move up?