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05/24/06 11:31 AM

#1988 RE: CPTMatt #1987

I wish.... im gonna be in this 'country' to the end, whenever that my be

in any event, if what im saying does come true it will move us much closer to the goals of a world government/police state and a single global fiat currency...

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." - Paul Warburg, Banking agent of Rothschild family, alleged to control the majority of the worlds wealth

although we are almost there already... U.N ICC IMF WHO WTO NAFTA EUROPEAN UNION EURO , the plans for an american superstate and single currency(Amero), Patriot Act(complete distruction of the bill of rights), Homeland Security, Biometric Ids, NSA spying and databases , 7 times as much debt as money in the system, removal of M3, actions of the Gold Cabal etc etc etc.

all for global security and to fight terrorism...people need to realize who the real terrorists are...