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05/24/06 10:05 AM

#11124 RE: ekythump #11121

IHDR .. unbiased .. is that a joke... adding u to my ignore list


05/24/06 10:11 AM

#11125 RE: ekythump #11121

Don't get me wrong ....

I have more enthusiasm many times than a little kid on the way to Disneyland. I also own a collection agency and listen to companies lie to me 24/7 about their company, etc. I can smell B.S. a mile away and right now, I don't trust anything Parkin has to say. If people are not concerned with their AURC or NDOL investment, something is wrong with them. Parkin is of great concern. I've spoken with him, was promised something that was not delivered and a few things just don't add up. People say don't call him, blah blah blah. I say the opposite. Blast his ass for lying to us.

"I agree with you. I didn't even start using message boards until about two months ago. I expected to run into more people like you-- less biased, even when they held stock in the company being discussed."