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04/10/15 11:25 AM

#61598 RE: lax20m #61596

Nope... I believed then and still do now that a buyout will happen.

Patience will be rewarded here - JMHO.


04/10/15 11:34 AM

#61600 RE: lax20m #61596

Some folks still have to learn that lesson. Opinions that fossilize as they don't change simply fulfill their destiny as fossils.

Here, as changes at Ariad will occur, folk's original opinion changed but were backdated to include the change into the original position, instead of changing the opinion at the time of change, and admitting to a change. In my business (management consulting), we call that 'shiny hair' opinion, referring to the slicked hair of the ivy league consultants who believe themselves to always be 'the smartest person in the room', but never are. (Reference to McNamara.)

That is why many opinions here seem to always be to be dismissive of others' opinions even if the opinions are the same.

I admit to being wrong and changing my opinions on Ariad and HB here over time, as do most here. As I learned more, it became obvious that my original thinking was too channeled, and that I had dismissed all the warning signs as did many.


04/10/15 11:36 AM

#61601 RE: lax20m #61596

See, that very sentiment is not a good one to have if one is going to invest in individual stocks, IMO, especially pharmaceuticals. Stocks should be viewed as a long-term holding precisely because they are so volatile. Anyone who believes a stock will just go up and up and up and not have a fluctuations probably shouldn't be investing in individual stocks. In addition, pharmaceuticals have a third party involved, the FDA.

To view any stock as a short-term investment that must, to make you happy, hit a homer in a mere ten years and have no volatility is not very sound thinking, IMO. The reason you invested in Ariad, presumably, is because you believed in its leadership. You want to now change it to one of these hostile raider types??? Ugh. Not me: slow and steady, with emphasis on the science/product efficacy, NOT on the stock price and making stockholders happy sooner rather than later.