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04/10/15 10:49 AM

#3469 RE: Porgie Tirebiter #3468

At a price of 30$ per share the cap would be 303b. But with the buyback the market cap would only be 253b with the reduction of 1.5b shares


04/10/15 11:01 AM

#3470 RE: Porgie Tirebiter #3468

Its called market exuberance. People do not buy stock at what the company makes in profit but what they think the stock is worth. Your numbers will all go down the toillette if/when people think the Co share price is worth more value. There was nearly 30 million shares brought in pre-market at $27.50 that is nearly a $Billion traded in pre-market. So tell me about your great numbers computation. Most blue chip stocks are not worth the price of the stock if you figure how much money the overall value would yield where these companies are lucky to make 10% of that value. Its the market stupid!


04/10/15 2:19 PM

#3477 RE: Porgie Tirebiter #3468

It's going to $30 plain and simple...