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04/09/15 11:13 AM

#18150 RE: Bugsy Malone #18149

Consider this. The Caribbean market’s need for petroleum products (fuel oil and gasoline specifically) have been artificially supported by below market pricing and supply from Venezuela as part of its influence peddling campaign under the now deceased Sr. Chavez. When oil was $100 + he and Venezuela were regional heroes. Now he is gone, oil is bench-marked at $50 and the Venezuelan economy lives in the outhouse. No more petroleum supply at discounts from within the Caribbean for local consumption. It’s world market pricing and longer supply lines. However the area does have strong sugar cane production and makes a lot of alcohol for rum and gasoline supplements. There is a $0.54 tax on imported ethanol (specifically form sugar cane) into the USA. That keeps our farmers happy and ADM and Monsanto in big bucks (follow the money to see the truth). Now with local Caribbean produced ethanol / gasoline and ECSL additive, all of a sudden the Caribbean has local high quality high test motor fuel at very low pricing with a local supply chain, and ECSL also has a doorway to supply the USA for south east distribution. Ya’ll chew on that while you are bitching?

lighter than AIR

04/09/15 11:56 AM

#18152 RE: Bugsy Malone #18149

Who have you heard "it's a done deal" from...other than on this board...and if it is this board, it's entirely speculation and opinion anyway...

Oh, and which "speculated press releases" have "seriously tarnished" ECSL's credibility?


04/09/15 1:49 PM

#18157 RE: Bugsy Malone #18149

Have you ever read the presidents updates everything Ron Mills has stated has come true time frames have changed but thats business.your right the proof will show up in profits,contracts ,future projects and financial projections those that understand this will be well rewarded .