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04/08/15 12:58 AM

#295971 RE: ChessLover #295970

Obama is a pawn in this. This is a game changer to the N'th degree because "clarity of argument" are finally morphing into rationale grounded in principles of logic...and I'm not talking advanced logic...we're talking Logic 101. Such a rare occurrence in our modern govermental system where outcomes are dictated by fallacious arguments and voted on grounds of emotion! If one is not astute in philosophy think: "No Child Left Behind Act." A blind man could have seen what the ultimate outcome would be! As in physics, the laws of logic are grounded in truth.
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04/09/15 4:19 PM

#296377 RE: ChessLover #295970

If Obama were to continue sweep until GSE's starve to death, it would not create wealth distribution LOL, it would create wealth consolidation at the top because no affordable 30 year mortgage for the middle class......which by the sound of it would please you greatly.

Make no mistake about it, Fannie and Freddie are Democratic icons. I know it's hard to see through the smoke and mirrors and sad truth is most people will never fully understand what took place with the GSE's during the Obama years, including no doubt myself.

What I do know is by publicly stating he wants to "wind down' the enterprises, Obama allowed Reps to publicly show full support without losing grace with their 'anti everything Obama does' constituents. Reality is both Dems and Reps want the GSE's around, everything else you see and hear is just politicians playing politics.
