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04/07/15 11:05 PM

#295965 RE: reyprimero #295958

Charles E. Grassley who is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee no less. One by one, more and more congressmen are beginning to ask very pointed questions about what went on in events surrounding the financial crisis. Early stages of a congressional criminal investigation beginning to take shape?

Washington established the proper standard – that presidential secrecy must be used only in the service of the public interest. The evolution of the exercise of executive privilege and of the legal decisions governing its use make it clear that this is a legitimate presidential power when used appropriately. Nonetheless, President Richard M. Nixon gave executive privilege a bad name when he used it to try to conceal information about the Watergate scandal.

Specifically, Nixon claimed executive privilege to prevent having to release the White House tapes that contained incriminating evidence of his participation in a cover-up of illegal activity by administration officials. Nixon claimed that concealing the tapes was required to protect the national security, but ultimately when the Supreme Court ruled against the president it became clear that he had been trying to protect himself from incriminating information rather than promoting the public interest. In the U.S. v. Nixon case the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that executive privilege is a legitimate presidential power, though not an absolute one. Indeed, in a criminal investigation where evidence was needed to secure the pursuit of justice, the constitutional balancing test weighed in favor of turning over the White House tapes and against the claim of privilege.

Great find reyprimero!:
Is Executive Privilege Concealing 3rd Amendment Connection to HAMP?
HAMP – Home Affordable Modification Program administered by the Treasury Department

He going for blood and straight to neck!!!LOL
The F.H.F.A. “has regulatory authority over both Freddie and Fannie and the statutory duties include the requirement that the F.H.F.A. ensure that each regulated entity operates in a safe and sound manner, including maintenance of adequate capital and internal controls,” Mr. Grassley wrote.

Mr. Grassley asked Mr. Holder and Mr. Lew to respond to his questions by April 20