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Prophetic Watchman

04/06/15 5:37 PM

#2347 RE: Evangelist DEUT 8-18 #2346

"he does have drilling rigs" ???

hmmmm where do u get to saying this?

one thing people have to remember is that zion told us that they were creating their own drilling company, called zion drilling.


a huge lie they keep trying to cover up. the last time I recall any drilling they got a rig and crew from turkey.

as far as I can see, zion doesn't own a rig, at least one that can drill deeper in inland Israel.

and as far as the scam issue, I don't call zion a scam as the definition is. where somebody has only the intention of fleecing another for their own gain. its obvious they believe they will find oil, but because of the lack of finding any commercial quantity oil, they have used up how many million dollars in an area where it is known to be hard to find it. so don't keep diluting the stock and have a stock offering every 6 months and then take 2 years to continue doing anything. this company being based in texas should have started with something small right in their own state and had any kind of revenue to throw at the attempts to drill in Israel. but they keep rolling the dice and they keep asking for the money, and they keep coming up with nothing. then while they fidget around asking for money, and until they get enough to drill another hole, 2 years goes by, and how much of the money that was leftover just continues to pay salaries in management while nothing happens. then someone in management leaves, and they cover up why.

look at how the gas was found in the med sea. a guy believes there is gas, but couldn't get the funds to do, until noble energy stepped up and helped. a small texas company that had some capital they risked using to finance the search. they came out on top big time.

how can we compare that to zion? you can't. they don't have any money except what shareholders give them a little at a time, they try and fail, and then its back to asking for money.

my point is that noble had made their money by having revenue right in texas.


Helloooooooo anyone home at the zion office in TEXAS? wake up JB