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04/06/15 11:05 AM

#36766 RE: JokersWild12 #36765

Cold Spring Harbor Conference on RNA & Oligonucleotide Therapeutics, April 8 - 11, 2015

Development of DiffronC gene silencing technology for silencing of the novel leukemia stem cell target NR2F6"

"Regen BioPharma is extremely pleased that its Director of Molecular Therapeutics, Dr. Christine Ichim has been selected to make a presentation on DiffronC, a cancer therapy aimed at transformation of cancer stem cells into normal cells as a mechanism for treating cancer," according to the Company's Chairman & CEO David Koos.

"This conference is regarded by leaders in the fields of molecular biology and gene silencing as one of the most important scientific events in the gene silencing space," said Christine Ichim, Director of Molecular Therapeutics for Regen BioPharma Inc. "The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) is one the most respected research institutes in the world. CSHL is one of the pioneers in the discovery of gene silencing."