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04/04/15 10:45 AM

#24700 RE: Ringohalfcan #24699

It was a scam back then. It is a scam now and it will be a scam tomorrow. Nothing will ever come to fruition because it is all built on lies
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04/04/15 10:57 AM

#24701 RE: Ringohalfcan #24699

Impressive. I am in it to win it.
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04/04/15 11:49 AM

#24703 RE: Ringohalfcan #24699

WDAS has NOT done any of that.

powerclouds claimed to fund and put those 5 into production and revenue was PRd back then but has stopped with the sale of WGG to 1 of Fabio's private companies and was the only revenue being PRd.
In other words CellAd and WGA were producing -0- revenue.
Then all the hype turns to WDAS gaining 90% control of HNVB to market the space BS that Fabio is the direct seller for the developer(or he says he is)BTW-WDAS no longer owns 90% of WMRT.
Then all the hype turns to Roberto selling 3 of his private companies to WDAS, 1 is promoted as being the Romanian company that supposedly has the Bucharest plants, but it clearly isn't.
Roberto sold WDAS Solar Park Moldoveni, but the name on the documentation at powerclouds says that company is called Parc Solar Moldoveni, clearly the ole' switcheroo was played on the WDAS shareholders. None of the 3 can be confirmed as legally created companies. If they were somebody would have provided the documents that created them.

WDAS has NOT put out any products. Fabio and his private companies are "direct sellers"(and Fabio says that a number of times)and are only selling products for others, that's what a "direct seller" is and does. All those products you claim WDAS has and yet WDAS/WMRT does NOT have any trademarks/patents/etc.

WDAS did NOT create a sales force. That is Fabio's private company that has the "sales force." Remember, Fabio's private companies are "direct sellers" and at 1 point Fabio claimed he had 7,117 in his "sales force."

Please provide the 5 addresses of the offices you claim WDAS has opened and proof of them being there. Any kind of proof, even a PR. Disclosures give an address in New York but is NOT registered with the Secretary of State to conduct business in New York.

Those events are all about Fabio's private companies, not WDAS

The audited financials that have been published at the OTC were for years that generated -0- revenue. Pretty easy to audit -0- revenue.

Yes, there are more claimed "companies" but none of them can be confirmed as legally created like World Global Group was before Fabio approved selling it to himself and actually WDAS ownership of WMRT has been reduced by Fabio, check the SEC filings for WMRT.
The funniest part is that with all the claimed "cash" WDAS gives Roberto 6.5M shares of WDAS and a promissory note for $100K for his 3 claimed companies and the paperwork for the Japan "company" was never signed in the disclosure.

Annuals for WDAS and WMRT were put off by late notices.

OTC disclosures give 15 days more for an annual, not sure about SEC filings, but both should be quite entertaining and I'll make a gentlemen's bet that WDAS financials will NOT be audited. Fabio put out 3 quarter worth of PRs claiming revenue so he'll have to work hard to make the numbers make sense. GL Fabio.

This is all smoke and mirrors and has been since long before Fabio was given control by Vince. Passed from 1 share selling schemer to another for more than the last 3 CEOs that I know of.

Just another wash, rinse, repeat and will be another this year, IMO. They may have Roberto "on deck" to take over.

But hey, keep posting, with a little real DD investors can prove all the hype to be false pretty easily.
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04/07/15 8:55 AM

#24744 RE: Ringohalfcan #24699

Yes and this can all be yours... for a mere 19 cents a share! That is untill someone sell 100 shares.... Let us know when all the BS translates into some profit for the Shareholders.... The only one that has made a dime on all this is FABIO! Everyone else has lost money.