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04/03/15 2:57 AM

#312635 RE: Decarz #312627

She was on the BOD'S that sold out the shareholders to YA. She had other options? She could have closed the doors, she could have bought some of this POS and show some faith in it. She needs to go to jail period she was involved as an accomplice of the shareholders investment going up in smoke while YA looted the company legally? Fiduciary responsibility is to shareholders first creditors second? Shareholders invest in a companies stock by faith through the information available to them at the time. Over all these years she was at the helm you think the "truth" was always clear enough for the average investor or investors to buy into this stock? I guess she didn't learn this when she was studying anthropology?

CEO responsibility!

Fiduciary Duties
Both the board of directors and the CEO of a small business have a fiduciary responsibility to the business's shareholders. The fiduciary duties are legal concepts that form the basis of a CEO's legal relationship with his company's owners. According to the American Bar Association, courts have ruled that a CEO's relationship with his small business's shareholders carries more legal responsibility than his relationship with his company's creditors. This is because the creditors' relationship with the company exists purely as a result of a legal contract. The shareholders' relationship with the CEO, by contrast, entails both a binding contract and the trust of that CEO in controlling the shareholders' property.