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Stock picker47

03/31/15 10:55 PM

#227836 RE: 2014shelby #227833

I agree however when it comes to stocks and investing, you either have it or you don't, if you have experience than you would have seen many unexpected upsets and wins, for crist sake look at cbgi lol, this stock and any worth a shot, can take time yrs even, you have to have your balls screwed on tight, I'm willing to wait like a bull than stomp on iglow or lose and take it like a man, you know the risk coming in..... Eagles only fly with Eagles, don't let the little birds distract you its just noise.


03/31/15 11:10 PM

#227840 RE: 2014shelby #227833

I agree.. But the only thing that sets this all aside is the fact that this new industry has to be secretive.

Because it is still not a fully accepted main stream industry. Yet

Ambiguous regulations and laws play a big part in the debate.

I'm all in while they figure it out.

We are at the ground floor