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03/31/15 10:05 PM

#149575 RE: NASDAQ2020 #149573

Exactly and at this point I would not want to be betting against Nasrat or be a SHORT here. The cards we longs hold are know better than the house's odds of winning. Nasrat has set out and delivered every single thing on his to do list except one: Launch Elite's first though 17 ADT opioids.

The first one coming up soon.

And for curiosity sake I'd love to hear what Nasrat think Elite's patented Micro Tablet is worth once Elite begins to market its ADT opioids?


04/01/15 9:18 AM

#149597 RE: NASDAQ2020 #149573

NASDAQ2020- Nasrat is a chess player, absolutely correct. When he initiated the poison pill, aka shareholders rights agreement to protect shareholders a couple of years ago, many knew then that he was exceptional. His knowledge of the patents that ELTP held and what tremendous potential value were contained in them brought him to ELTP. His experience as a lawyer brought shareholders a couple of years back, protection by his awareness and experience (as lawyer as well as a major pharma executive. The poison pill tells a story, does it not? LOL.
Many here are fortunate to have found a turn around company that has had such people that ELTP has had the management rolls. Not only Nasrat but before him, Jerry Treppel took the position of CEO. Those who heard that Wall Street money guy say he took the position of CEO to "protect his investment" were fortunate to have heard those words, as many knew that one of the easiest ways to make huge money...... is to...... "Follow the money".

Good fortune to all longs. Pennies to dollars. We know what we have bought early and held. For many here that is or for some could be.....a fortune. jmo. Finding ELTP for many as they searched for outstanding speculation stocks years ago was a bit of serendipity for many. Serendipity: luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for. However, in my case I looked for ELTP, but I like many, was lucky to have found it at a presentation made in 2011 in New York. Lucky day.

Gotta go, have a great day fellow shareholders.