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03/31/15 6:00 PM

#176846 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #176845

Actually it's a once a day pop under for me. I never log out. When I come to I-Hub for the first time each day I get the pop under. I can leave (without logging out), and when I return I don't get one. I close the pop under once a day and "that's all I have to say about that". lol


janice shell

03/31/15 6:55 PM

#176847 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #176845

It doesn't pop under for me. It pops up. But I'm not asking you to change that; it's easier to get rid of as a popup.

Hattori Hanzo

03/31/15 7:20 PM

#176848 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #176845

Give them an option

Either no ads or broken L2

All users must choose one, they must be distracted from their largely crappy choices in "investments"

How can they expect to see the pumper spam with all this commotion?


03/31/15 11:34 PM

#176849 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #176845

Still waiting for my free Pop Tarts...


04/02/15 12:30 AM

#176856 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #176845

Jeez you guys.. I just clicked on a scam quote and this fell out of my computer.

Darn you joby, I just read your post....well, I thought it was an original thought.