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03/30/15 1:21 AM

#294026 RE: Zanfear #294025

Foley agreed to NOT appeal any sentencing from the get go.

Broke that agreement and lost anyway. Good riddance.
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janice shell

03/30/15 1:22 AM

#294027 RE: Zanfear #294025

Martha Stewart did. She knew her chances on appeal probably weren't good, and decided just to get it over with. Of course her sentence was only five months.
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03/30/15 1:25 AM

#294028 RE: Zanfear #294025

So if your were David you would have gone to jail the first time just to save money?

How about someone should do the right thing to spare their family the humiliation? It's not always about the money. Those family shots may have been older pictures, do you think they're still together?
This is real life here, we're not talking about some stupid company scam, but someones life. And people being left behind for over a year probably.
I wonder how many will throw him under the bus for sure now.

He's not important to ntek.
ntek can survive without him
He hasn't contributed anything to ntek in 2 years..
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03/30/15 3:48 AM

#294046 RE: Zanfear #294025

Foley could have gotten the same plea agreement, with reductions in the sentence that he'd have been entitled to had he not systematically ignored his obligations under that agreement, in 2009.

That means he could have paid his debt to society and been free and clear of the criminal justice system by 2011. And just by the by, maybe all that money he spent on his defense could have helped his family?

In the end, he wasted everyone's time.

Maybe a 2-year time-out is a good idea, and he'll rethink his ways once he's behind bars.

Either that, or he's plotting a new pump to generate enough millions to fund an appeal to the Supreme Court. That ought to be good for another year's delay, but damn, it wouldn't be cheap at all.

And it would, of course, not change the result in any way. That ruling smacked of contempt for Foley's shabby argument, polished as it was by his fancy, expensive lawyer.

So if your were David you would have gone to jail the first time just to save money?