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03/30/15 1:29 AM

#109482 RE: davidc2 #109481

Gee, I know this new math has come before my time. The complaints about using stock at any rate or discount will have a value of X. Algebra 1 students are confused at first as to what X stands for. So we are going to say X sands for the shares they own and Y is the stock that they will get in interest on X. So they will own X+Y each time a payment comes due. Now we know they have not sold any so lets assign z as to what X+Y=s.
Now some are forcasting NNVC will go to ZERO$$$s.
What value will z times zero$$s =? Maybe I am wrong, but anything times zero = 0.
Why complain. They are receiving 0 and will lose what ever they have put up!!
Or is the old math wrong?