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03/29/15 9:11 PM

#281979 RE: mr40 #281978

The Chances of Carly Fiorina Running Are 'Higher than 90 Percent'
Sunday, 29 Mar 2015 11:03 AM

Former Hewlett-Packard Co. CEO Carly Fiorina told Fox News Sunday that there is a "higher than 90 percent chance" that she will run for president in 2016. While not entirely surprising given her recent itinerary of speeches and appearances in early primary states, the news all but confirms that Hillary Clinton will not be the only woman to seek the highest office in the land in the coming year.

“We need to make sure we have the right time in place, that we have the right support, that we have the right financial resources lined up, just as all the other candidates have done,” Fiorina said.

Fiorina has positioned herself as one of Clinton's chief critics, in part because her gender allows her to do so without appearing sexist. On Sunday, Fiorina continued her attacks on the former secretary of state.

“There’s a competence issue now. Anyone in 2015 who says you can’t have two email accounts on a single device obviously doesn’t understand technology,” Fiorina said. to be seen whether the national electorate will connect with her better than California voters did during her failed 2010 Senate election against Barbara Boxer. Fiorina lost that contest by ten percentage points after Boxer repeatedly called into question Fiorina's competence as the head of HP. During her tenure, the company laid off tens of thousands of workers, and saw its stock price plummet before Fiorina was fired.

“We took Hewlett-Packard from about $44 billion to $88 billion in six years. We quadrupled cash flow," Fiorina countered on Fox News Sunday. "We went from a market laggard to a market leader in every product category and every market segment.”

Fiorina said she expects to announce her decision on whether to run for president in late April or early May.

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