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03/29/15 8:36 PM

#11940 RE: powderbum #11938

"Mayo Clinic still pushing forward..."???

Yeah, but when are they going to "push forward" with actually BUYING one? When is Loprinzi or any of his buds going to "push forward" and actually BUY one? They've only had the thing for four or five YEARS now, why do they even need a

NOT for reimbursement since the trial is NOT blinded, randomized, and controlled which means that third party reimbursers will promptly place it in the nearest circular file!

What's funny is that two YEARS ago, Loprinzi INCREASED the enrollment from 100 to 150:

don't hold your breath

Why? Because he figured CTTC would be bankrupt by the time he'd finally get around to doing 150 patients? He's only been working on it for FOUR YEARS so far anyway.

Then there's the question of where is Smith's trial:

ou est vous

He only announced it TWO YEARS ago but STILL hasn't started recruiting patients! Think maybe he's finally got over his embarrassment at being "played" by CTTC,and finally dumped it?