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03/29/15 7:51 PM

#6367 RE: Winner1992 #6337

The enemy likes anniversary dates. I have a feeling this year is going to be nothing more than a 'head fake'. What I mean by that is going back to 1980 (which I've had reckoned as a Jubilee year)we've been in the ol seven year cycle of one thing or another in the market going bust. Didn't anyone notice that oil suddenly broke down just like it did in the '08 crash? It was by design imo. The oil companies then were breaking even in the low $40's, as they and all others said. Here we are again. But the market was held up this time. Again, the enemy likes anniversary dates. We have a blood moon on the eve of the correct Passover date this year for those who understand the Hebrew calendar in the bible. We have another one very near Feast of Tabernacles again this year like last year. I just have a feeling nothings going to happen. QE is still going on to hold up the rest of the markets. Our Fed just eased the largest banks debt. That's QE without printing more $ for QE. It's almost surgical in nature because the market is now controlled (for the most part) by QE with the CB's in the multiple trillions of dollars now. Never in history has this happened on this scale and happened at the rate it is now. Last year the Fed said, "We're not going to be selling our ASSETS soon" because we know the federal banks make asset purchases. Bernanke said the Fed would control the bank purchases. What? I think the market is safe until the 2016 election and we may be able to hold this debt in check till, my guess, 2018 ish. The enemy is patient. But as soon as Ben thinks Iran crossed the line, click click boom. It's the 'reset' event I think the nations are counting on. Crazy Town? Maybe. You decide. But did you notice the late half ass attempt by the W.H. to back the other candidate in the Israeli election. "Can't blame us, we told you so" - I don't think near term on your question because I know how patient the enemy is. But I stay prepared and just keep watch. There is nothing to fear in terms of political wars. Nothing. Oil up, down, near term? Who knows. Charts and the $ have ruled since the bounce.

What do you think is coming soon, in terms of events political events?