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Cameo Brien

03/28/15 5:51 PM

#24915 RE: Drugdoctor #24913

For example monster is big money, last time I checked it was an energy drink. $lvvv


03/29/15 1:08 AM

#24917 RE: Drugdoctor #24913

This is a "test product." No verification it will be sold in mass quantities. Sort of like that Apple Rush sampler that did not go any further than Yeardman posing at the checkout counter faking a purchase of Apple Rush so he could sell off stock...

Next, there'll be another rumor about Coca Cola buying out APRU by him.

nice how Tony tipped him off to get out of APRU... It was all a scam...



03/29/15 12:23 PM

#24923 RE: Drugdoctor #24913

Sure it will. Chews are great because you don't have to run to the bathroom. There's even a video about that touting that benefit. Oh, but then they come out with an energy drink. ROFL. Know what that shows an investor with even the smallest bit of common sense? That LVVV has absolutely no clue what it is doing. It's what should be referred to as a bandwagon type company. LVVV's always trying to jump on the latest trend.

Retail longs, the only way LVVV will ever be successful is if it finds one or two products and makes a lot of money with them. And by a lot of money, it doesn't mean "record" revenues and still having huge losses. It means operations are completely funded by the sales and even have some leftover.