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03/28/15 10:31 PM

#33442 RE: biojkap #33434

First let me say I have no position in this company at this time. I'm just watching to see what happens. I may wait until FDA approval. Yes, if that happens I will miss a fantastic financial opportunity. For me, better safe than sorry.

First of all, penny stocks are the riskiest. I've been burned more than once.

Second concern is the tremendous increase in posting. All of a sudden around 100 posts a day. Why? No breakthrough news, no huge influx of capital, no buyout news or partnership on the horizon.

Third, CIAB has been around for years. If this is such a great technical breakthough, why isn't Big Pharma climbing over themselves trying to acquire it?

Fourth, average daily volume is around 2M. All of a sudden it jumps four to five times that figure. Could it be the Goldman Small Cap report? This is Goldman Small Cap, not Goldman Sachs.

Fifth is the facility in Singapore. Does PMCB have an ownership interest or do they just rent space?

Cell-in-a-box? They couldn't come up with a better name. A hamburger commercial always comes to mind. How about cell encapulization therapy? Just a thought.

I'm still doing my DD. I hope they knock this out of the park. It would truly be a game changer. In the meantime I'll wait. Like I said, if they get FDA approval I'll jump in. I don't mind a 20% to 30% profit.