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11/16/15 9:21 AM

#2082 RE: asp42001 #1410

Who Do You Call?

After purchasing a load & reloadable FiCentive "Card of Networking Opportunity," who do you call, when you want to monitor billing, payment, security, inbound/outbound records 24/7?

A multi-lingual EBPP&H Call-Center catering to non-banked, under-banked and never banked masses on E&M Commerce Planet Earth, is in the early stage of development and deployment. Hispanic and Mandarin Chinese speaking Call-Centers will proliferate, in my humble, outside, individual retail investing opinion.

If you yawn, while Alibaba adopts ways to network in near real-time with prepaid plastic and iRemotePay smart-phones.... you lose!

Located in a building out of the flood zone and looks to be earthquake resistant, Payment Data Services (Systems) has more upside potential than down-side risk.

Who Do You Call?... 1-877-PDS-PAYS (737-7297), could ring-off-the-hook in the foreseeable future and turn PYDS H.Q. into a beehive- of-activity.

SD: You bet your money, you play your cards, YOU take your chances, when playing FiCentive Card PYDS Texas Hold'em.... DEAL!

ASP42001 & beyond.
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11/23/15 10:58 PM

#2128 RE: asp42001 #1410

PYDS Can, Will, Must, EXPRESS Itself

Express networking solutions catering to the non-banked and banked masses are flying under-the-radar:

EXPRESS networking solutions catering to the masses, has more potential than investors and speculators realize.

An America EXPRESS AEIS agreement, if still in effect, can generate more click-fees than you can shake a stick at, with or w/o Patent 7,021,530 bill paying card protection in the EBPP&H loop.

21st. Century AEIS EXPRESS networking solutions, or BUST in 2016!

asp42001 & beyond

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12/09/15 12:11 PM

#2175 RE: asp42001 #1410

Link To Akimbo Cards of Networking Opportunity

The following suggests upgradable gift cards have been on the PYDS FiCentive/Akimbo drawing board for sometime:

Bank-independent "Cards of Networking Opportunity," privy to Payment Data Services (Systems) helps bring networking eyesight to the non-banked and banked masses.

877-PDS-PAYS (737-7297) Customer Service is building up a head of recurring EBPP&H STREAMing steam, regardless of transaction origin.

SD: I own PYDS shares on an individual retail investing basis.

asp42001 & beyond.
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12/27/15 9:19 AM

#2217 RE: asp42001 #1410

Homeland Security, Immigration + Helping-Hand

Upgradable "Cards of Networking Opportunity" for immigrants with little or no identification:

FiCentive (Incentive) load & re-loadable cards can streamline immigration, Homeland Security and the helping-hand process.

Billing, payment, security and record keeping solutions privy to Payment Data Services (Systems) symbol PYDS are diamonds-in-the-rough.

Someone(s) must process & handle recurring transactions, regardless of origin. On an individual retail investing basis, I've followed and invested in digital Billserv/Payserv solutions for years.

Patent 7,021,530 & others protect paying-with-plastic, i.e.: Payroll Cards, Gift Cards, ID Cards, Akimbo/FiCentive companion cards, helping-hand & others, in the U.S.A. digital age. Hold your FiCentive Cards & PYDS stock close to the chest. I'm All-In!

Happy Holidays... DEAL!

asp42001 & beyond!
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02/24/16 9:11 AM

#2396 RE: asp42001 #1410

PYDS Full Range Payserv Advantage

Payment Data Services (Systems) allows for a full-range of payment processing, using a single, comprehensive storage retrieval system that allows for consolidated tracking & reporting of ALL payment types, regardless of source or channel.

PYDS H.Q. 12500 San Pedro, S.A. Tx U.S.A. provides storage and retrieval of ALL payment history from one location.

Billserv/Payserv one-stop-shop location for storing and retrieving payment data?

An Apple-A-Day helps keep Payment Data Systems in-play. PDS-PAYS!

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03/26/16 11:43 PM

#2510 RE: asp42001 #1410


Birds of a feather flock together.

The U.K doesn't have a bank on every corner like the U.S.A. Paysafe in the U.K., mirrors what PYDS, Akimbo & C2GO endeavors.

U.S.A back-office iRemotePay and FiCentive "Cards of Networking Opportunity" will come to fruition, when more banks like Sunrise, 5th 3rd & Wells Fargo adopt FiCentive & C2GO Smart Cards.

Stay tuned for bigger & better S.A TX Hold'em Payment solutions.

Dial-Up PDS-PAYS... DEAL, while I PYDS dollar stock cost average.

Strong Buy!
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05/05/16 1:45 PM

#2610 RE: asp42001 #1410

3rd. Party PDS Bill, Pay, Security & Insurance Demand

Billserv/Payserv professionals up-and-running since 1998 are in demand. They can stay on the cutting-edge of new hi-tech networking rules, regulations and payment methods. They also can help banks & others "guard" against lawsuits:

On NASDAQ, Payment Data Services (Systems) will demonstrate the Akimbo platform Tuesday, May 10th at 8:45am PT. A PYDS CC is scheduled May 16th.

Akimbo is one of the only consumer prepaid cards currently participating in Apple Pay (TM). Said "Cards of Networking Opportunity" improve the payment experience for customers.

A virtual card account sent via email can be used immediately for online purchases or added to a mobile wallet. ZBill dot com is part of the prepaid load & reloadable EBPP&H networking equation.

Color me PDS load & reload Texas Hold'em Smart Card(s) ALL-IN!


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06/13/16 8:52 AM

#2685 RE: asp42001 #1410

LNKD, MSFT And Payment Data Services?

LinkedIn and Microsoft, according to CNBC are joining forces.

Past information covering a PYDS & Microsoft dot Net connection:

PYDS... a 3rd party networking coordinator with potential and opportunity in the plastic & iRemotePay-Pass 21st Century.

Everyday in everyway, PYDS Billserv/Payserv solutions gets stronger & better, in my humble outside opinion.


asp (application service provider) 42001 & beyond.
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07/31/16 1:59 PM

#2840 RE: asp42001 #1410

PYDS Conference Call August 11, 2016

With PTA's help, ASPs (application service providers) will consolidate and bring a bigger bat to the EBPP&H plate.

August... interesting month for ASPs, shareholders & others.

There will be more 21st Century locked & loaded prepaid cards, application service downloads, Bill & Payserv Services in the U.S.

SD: On an individual retail basis, I dollar cost average, with or w/o "LA" Hoch's F4s that blacken investor's eyes. What will he do with the automatic Form 4 sell money being made?

Stay Tuned!
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09/21/16 12:06 PM

#2970 RE: asp42001 #1410

Will 1-877-PDS-PAYS Ring-Off-The-Hook?

Over 5000 sales people were fired, after being pushed hard to create accounts not authorized by Wells Fargo customers. Bank after bank must consider turning over Billserv/Payserv account monitoring to 3rd party Payment Data Services (Systems.)

Billserv/Payserv Server2Server upgrades, suggest 3rd party intelligent networking servers, up-and-running at 12500 San Pedro since 1998, will be in demand.

Load & re-loadable personalized FOTO "Cards of Networking Opportunity" privy to PYDS, FICentive & Akimbo, have recurring click-fee generating potential.

PYDS is presenting at the Aegis "Growth" Conference today and tomorrow. For this and other reasons I bought more PYDS shares.

Only 43 followers listed on this thread. This could change in the not too distant future.

Stay FiCentive Smart-Card and iRemotePay-Pay tuned for more EBPP&H to come..... KA CHING! KA CHING!

asp42001... DEAL!

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11/18/16 1:11 PM

#3098 RE: asp42001 #1410

NASDAQ PYDS Non-Compliance Notation Has Been Removed

The two (2) new PYDS positions helped eliminate the "Non-Compliant" notations on On-Line Brokerage Accounts. This could speed-up a "Birds-of-a-Feather Flock Together" process.

With or w/o Patent 7,021,530 in the paying with plastic network, PYDS stock has more upside than downside risk at this juncture.

If you listen to what's said, after dialing 877-PDS-PAYS (737-7297) you COULD come to the conclusion that a multi-lingual Call-Center is needed. "LA" Hoch's education in how to build and operate Call-Centers, could wake-up some PYDS investors and speculators, before, during and after PYDS buys-back 1 million shares of the company.

What's in your Billserv/Payserv networking portfolio!

SD: I own PYDS stock and dollar cost average.

Strong Buy!

asp42001 & beyond.

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12/14/16 10:18 AM

#3141 RE: asp42001 #1410

C2GO FiCentive Cards of Networking Opportunity?

We could see the day when load & re-loadable C2GO prepaid cards are carried by people in Vegas and accepted by UBER drivers and/or others.

FiCentive (incentive) discount cards can attract millions.

C2GO/FiCentive Promo/Demo? A video launched by Payment Data Services (Systems) demos an outside food vendor accepting plastic and passing the card through a reader, attached to a USB port on the vendor's cell-phone.

EBPP&H transactions, regardless of origin, can connect seamlessly with 21st Century card & (((NFC))) enabled reading devices.

SD: Rate of FiCentive card & iRemotePay-Pass reader adoption, is unknown at this time.

Stay ZBill iTuned....Dial-Up PDS-PAYS on a cell-phone... DEAL!
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05/31/17 1:29 PM

#3281 RE: asp42001 #1410

Back-Office Artificial Intelligent Linchpin

21st. Century back-office Payment Data Services (Systems) are a must-have, when it comes to developing & deploying artificial intelligent networks.

U.S.A. Application Service Providers at 12500 San Pedro, San Antonio, Texas work with EBPP&H "digital" networking solutions.

Louis A. Hoch is an expert, when it comes to operating a multi-lingual Call Center, like he did during the Billserv (BLLS) heydays. Houston Frost has a PhD in Biometrics, which bodes well for AI development and deployment in the seeable future.

With or w/o Patent 7,021,530 protection in the EBPP&H industry, AI (artificial intelligence,) while billing and payment servers connect to the pocketbook hips like Siamese Twins, should draw attention to the PYDS meeting 6-6-17.

SD: Rate of complete PDS-PAYS & E2E AI adoption... UNKNOWN!

Color-me PYDS EBPP&H Texas Hold'em ALL-IN & DEAL!


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10/11/19 10:24 AM

#3868 RE: asp42001 #1410

Billserv/Payserv Real-Time-Payment Data fUSIOneer

PYDS is now USIO. A Micro-Cap Software Rodeo, Austin, TX., Oct 15 & 16 will lasso attention. USIO stock could appreciate, before December, when consumers buy load & reloadable smart-cards for XMAS stockings.

Ficentive/Akimbo prepaid cards sporting MasterCard, or other logos can become a helping-hand for people in need. One Church Software fUSIOneers. Demand outweighs supply.

Dial-Up 1-877-PDS-PAYS (737-7297) Talk to fUSIOneers in 2019 & beyond.

asp42001 & beyond!