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03/26/15 12:47 PM

#37498 RE: whizknock #37497


& his car note, utilities not to mention his vacations & party tabs with ubrg funds.

When a company states that a deal fell through, sometimes that's exactly what happened.

I mean even Ali gets caught telling the truth about ubrg sometimes. LOL LOL

I was considering buying in for a bounce play,,, thankfully a lot can be learned reading about this company first.

If I were to find myself trying to justify or excuse lack of a business license, lack of filings, lack of company providing updates on supposed deals or grasping at straws trying to explain a failed business deal & just the overall lack of a company providing information period,,, all that while trading @ 0.0004,,, it becomes glaringly obvious that said UBRG is a scam & not worth my consideration.