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The Promised Land

03/26/15 12:32 PM

#206960 RE: lukechen817 #206919


lessings sunshine, but IMO you have not been here any time at all and I am taking what you say with a pinch of salt. Answer me this. How many direct dealings have you had with the staff at American Green?

Answer honestly ;O)

I think you need to do some DD chap, your sounding poorly educated in this arena as are some of your chums. All sharing a desk?

Wait watch and learn, but dont get any splinters sitting on that fence.

ERBB is growing into a big friendly green giant mark my words :o)

Blessings Longs and Blessings new investors, you pays your money and takes your chances and i cant believe the chances I am getting here at the moment so YEEEEEEEEHA Luke Chen and all the doubters.

Your going to have quite a shock soon :o)
