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03/25/15 7:36 PM

#57383 RE: specta #57378

Turning into a flipper now is too late for me (i reached the limit of risk taking). Should we ever reach the previous high once again (now the equivalent of ~3$)I might treat it as the OTC stock it was all along and sell for real gains...but right now I don't want to give up on 3 months of stubborness and DD that seemed to work and start to flip at possibly the wrong time. We all new 3 days before the voting weekend it would suffer, we all knew it would suffer on day 1 after RS...and did not act (and regret). Now, however, its really unpredictable.
AND: I believe managm. does not have experience with OTC and, thus, does not see the need to counteract the drop early on by PR/guidance etc. now before it could unfold into the penny disaster. They seem to think that the company is turning around now (which it is, unless there are secrets they don't tell us) and don't get that unlike a NASDAQ, NYSE, Frankfurt stock exchange listed ticker this can go down here uncoupled due to psychology and snowball effects (Brent should know though, but he was also the first to let it roll helplessly).

Honestly, as a scientist and PhD of many years, despite little experience in company financials i believe they act irresponsible not only toward us (understood and never expected differently) but also TOWARD the future of their chimeric OTC company.
Hi Honeycomb...that you make yourself rare, being the steadiest of all, speaks volumes.