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free bird

03/25/15 4:09 PM

#233230 RE: Chidoc50 #233220

Maybe you could find a way to convey your thoughts with Vanis himself. I am told he reads and sometimes responds to email. I feel kind of the same as you.
I've only been here for year with millions of shares at probably more than double your ca,
Share's are locked and so are my lips. I'm afraid i wouldn't be able to write an email that wasn't loaded with expletives at this point. :)
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03/25/15 4:13 PM

#233236 RE: Chidoc50 #233220

Me too.
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03/25/15 4:36 PM

#233252 RE: Chidoc50 #233220

oh, how the mighty have fallen. maybe now you guys will begin to actually look with some sense instead of blind, cult like obsession.
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03/25/15 4:50 PM

#233258 RE: Chidoc50 #233220

I agree.

The shareholders letter should have been used as a "plain English" interpretation of the 10Q. Instead he used it to all but state a RS was coming. WTF was the point of writing about up-listing, when the products are only in 3 states? Why tell us of sales numbers in SoCal but not in NYC? He could have told us so much more of what is happening in the next 6 weeks, but chose to act like an idiot and all but tell the OTC players that his stock is going to RS!

If MINE has so many "giants of the industry" in it's corner, then I am appalled by Vanis not asking for direction on subjects as important as this.

If MINE wasn't a flippers paradise before, it truly is now.

He has set this stock back a year or more...........

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End Game

03/25/15 9:09 PM

#233347 RE: Chidoc50 #233220

I said right after the letter, this was the first mistake Vanis has made, since I've owned shares, imho. He pretty much laid out the fact a RS was coming, when he stated the minimum for any major exchange is $2/share and $4 for Nasdaq...and minerco wanted to uplist to major exchange. Of course, I assume it was calculated and they felt it was worth the pain now and the benefit will be a huge positive long term. But, it was so vague...many just felt it wasn't worth holding any more. Management would've been better off, just stating the whole truth and explaining their intentions in detail. At this point, those of us still holding must trust management will do what's best for share owners.