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03/25/15 11:01 AM

#189133 RE: asmarterwookie #189122

{{Risk his many seem to thunk Bavi is worthless....I figured Dr. Antonia would have one inkling as well.}}

Once again, how is anyone risking their reposition? People push for trials based on a new drug and its purported MOA, or new combinations of older drugs and restricted to a newly identified sub-group based on retropesctive analysis. Every analysis could have passed the most rigorous analyses for why the trial should work, yet if fails anyway. Nobody risked or damaged their reputations when that happens.

{{Back to tainted data and the FDA...what about Fast Track...also..the FDA doesn't care if a company wastes its that all the FDA cares about???
How about patients enrolling in a trial WASTING want little time they have left on a no chance drug. is arrogance like this that puts the naysayers at a disadvantage. }}

You need to learn how to read instead of emotional reacting. I said the standard of care was Docetaxel in NSCLC. The Bavi trial had Docetaxel vs Bavi + Docetaxel and the latter didn't have any obvious serious negative consequences. That is what the FDA wouldn't care. Even if Bavi had ZERO clinical benefit, the patient would still be getting the benefits of Docetaxel in the Bavi + Docetaxel arm so the patients WOULND'T be put at risk. That is why I said the FFA wouldn't block a trial of Docetaxel + Glucose vs Docetaxel alone if a company were to apply for it.

{{Pure poppycock. The FDA doesn't PPHM...we'll throw if Fast Track for zippidy do DA day of it.}}

The FDA granting Fast Track status happens more often than not now as others have pointed out, and most of those drugs FAIL in trials. Perhaps you are confused by the newly created breakthrough designation.

{{Yup! I'd by PPHM for $1.48 rather than believe that! }}

Invest where you like and believe what you like. Belief is no substitution for hard data generated in large, controlled clinical trials. Good luck. You will need it.