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03/24/15 12:40 PM

#312561 RE: CJAKE1 #312559

How many months have we sat at .0001 now? You are expecting a run based on what hopes and dreams? I am expecting the patents to expire in June as noted. This will cause the revenues to dry up faster and than the eventual Bankruptcy of NEOM. Laura did an awesome job sitting on her hands while YA sucked this company dry of it very life. Meanwhile she is getting way over the average for a CEO, $500,000 a year plus bonuses for what coming to work and making sure the office lights are on? This stock is comatose -dead on arrival. What could NEOM have been if they worked with companies instead of dragging them all through court with no money to defend these cases? Working at NEOM has sure enhanced her resume!

Be Confident

03/24/15 10:47 PM

#312566 RE: CJAKE1 #312559


Neom "cannot" run. I suggest you have a run at my last 10 posts. This stock runs counterintuitive to typical stocks due to the unique financial arrangement between Neom and YA. The law of Supply and Demand does not hold.

The pps CANNOT rise until the debt is repaid to YA in FULL. Any day trader believing he can sway the pps in the very slightest, will be unsuccessful. The pps WILL NOT BUDGE. This has been proven repetitiously.

Again, I suggest a healthy read of prior posts, along with a sincere attempt at understanding YA's debenture conversions.

All of the above.. JMO, but based upon recurring history.
