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03/30/15 6:26 PM

#4479 RE: bookert #4477

Yep. And it Pissed me off. Iv'e been holding NENE for about 2 years. And...Nothing. Always working on something new, no news, no nothing.And then this fine piece comes out...

Here's the original link I saw that on (Not on Youtube)


03/30/15 7:24 PM

#4480 RE: bookert #4477

I contacted SolarWindow Investor Relations pertaining to the invisible solar cells....

They thanked me for forwarding the video/article and conveyed they were already

aware of said press and categorized it as an "interesting article."



03/30/15 7:49 PM

#4481 RE: bookert #4477

Hello bookert.

I see you've been following this company since at least 2007....

Any thoughts on the direction you feel it's going in,some eight years later?