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03/22/15 12:38 AM

#12086 RE: cjf913913 #12085

Sounds like you have had a real bad investment experience with this company. Maybe I can say in alignment sure hasn't performed for me being a newbie. As far as the SEC, I don't know what you know. I know last week filing on a company for not getting shares counted correctly to shareholders resulted in share count corrections with in 10 days. I know taking action and being progressive and not crying about it or insulting others is the high road. If I get where you are I won't hesitate to file... file a complaint and follow it up. Have you done that yet? Or do you have all the answers and love kicking. I like kicking too...but I like kicking field goals. A field goal might be get on the BOD and influence through the board the companies pathway. Or if you really have evidence for as long as you've been involved then file a complaint with SEC make a positive difference. If you had you might of saved the likes of me from jumping in and taking a bath. lol. IMO friday was my first red flag. I documented it. Doesn't mean anything yet...I am still a believer. I m digging for evidence but you have given me nothing.