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03/22/15 6:45 AM

#212218 RE: Frustrated #212159

Markets and the IBB continue to set all time highs while pphm is still 50% below its reverse split 5 years ago and still being run by a penny stock BOD getting praise for having at least one botched trial under their watch while the CEO continues to spew stretched truths and fruitions. Yeah thats the ticket.

The reality is that I continue to buy my cheap tickets down here because peregrine is one week closer to Bavi results and the company has never in it's history been this far along in a Phase III trial.

Do I think this company can go it alone. No I don't but I respect the current BOD to make that decision when the time is right. The expansion of Avid and Garnick's tone on the recent CC tell me I've got cards that beat the house. My odds? You tell me 60/40 or 70/30 in favor of successful Phase III results.

Until then I'll continue buying down here.