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03/25/15 8:10 PM

#12810 RE: Rhodey Red #12782

I got a call yesterday around the time the filings came out. It was Ioana Homes, public relations, and I now realize this company seems like a family. She's been there like a decade and her life is a full commitment to the cause. We hold these truths to be self evident. She spoke about their spending millions of dollars because they have believed in it for some time. The CEO has displayed his medal in persevering with the team having worked his way up thru the ranks. They hang together thru lean and
Good times. This past year was very rewarding and they certainly deserved it,and this past quarter, basically more of the same. She did not speak to this but a company like this can quickly fall into a sticky wicket, if they get into debt or misallocate when pushing and pulling a pipeline into self sustainability. I love the dilution as it meets objectives while enhancing continued independence. The company they not their primary candidate from, 188 had to close its doors on excellent ongoing studies and it would be wreck less to not move forward strategically , and be subject to losing their hearts desire . How difficult to face intimately the candidates they have grown to admire, and hope to assist. IMOIMO. The main research scientist was secured a lead position with MAST when they took over the 188. Commitment obviously runs deep all around the table, extending well into the families and children of those who sign on for research investigations. I did not realize what we had here. So many will be rolling out the red carpet for this little recruit . And more power to them. Not an advisor but becoming all the more respectful for this team. All IMO. Iona Hone is very impressive and totally personable, IMO. All IMO. GLTA!