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03/21/15 10:27 AM

#21152 RE: QS8888 #21148

Gee, if only there were like a dozen people on this board explaining the scammers background in securities fraud and other assorted criminal activity........... maybe then those complaining about losing their "investment" would have been better off researching the claims instead of calling those people bashers and "wanna get in lower'.

Gee if only there were some thousands of posts with that info.

This gang is worse than a street thug as they are involved in what I consider mail fraud, money laundering and outright conmen using the lack of SEC enforcement to steal other peoples money from a seedy office in Sunrise FL.

MICHAEL ZOYES - google the crook and you will see what kind of scum you have sent money to.



03/24/15 10:56 AM

#21155 RE: QS8888 #21148

Nature of the beast in pennyland. No surprise nor shock. Higher priced pennies do it all the time, as do plenty of other "groups." You win some you lose some, the winners can be huge.

DNN*, MON*, TTD*, etc etc. They have the same MO. Very few if any ever deliver as promised, all R/S out of the blue and blindside investors.

If you hit 3 out/of 10 in stinky, pinkyland you did well.

Move on to the next, or avoid OTC altogether. Seems nonsense to call these companies "scams" though it's some shocker? Of course they are scams...everyone of can be made, but will come with losses.
I brush um to the curb and find the next one. Unless you are privy to inside information each buy is just another roll of the dice. JMO

(still a kick in the ba!!s, but when you hang them out sometimes that happens)