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03/21/15 3:14 PM

#147509 RE: LittleGiant88 #147490

I think it is partly due to the fact we are ALL coming off the buzz that was 5 gallon buckets of GOLD with the former GRLF/GDSM. Investors lost their ARSES on that deal I guarantee it. I'm sure a few people made out big on the .034 run but otherwise.... I am betting about 950-1000 of the 1100 investors lost their shirts. They have all kept up with the new CEO and the falsified direction of the new company. Of all the investors left over from Lovito's SCAM about testing soil samples.... I am certain MOST are HEAVY BAG HOLDERS. Then another run to .0034 in 2013/14 to get their hopes up and a few new investors bought in above .002 believing that Mike Shea would take this somewhere.... and what do we have? 5 gallon buckets of NOTHING. Most of my position (5 mil) was at .0001 so I am not holding a loss.... just bored and I admit.... I had my hopes up for a miracle lottery play. GRLF to the top of the knoll!!