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03/20/15 11:38 PM

#49749 RE: Bernie-UK #49747

Might wanna look again.....Do a google map search for Apui, Brazil and look where it's located. Right beside the Juruena National Park.

Dams are located on this map link....zoom into Juruena National Park area and you will see three proposed dams surrounding the land.

Three large hydroelectric dams are proposed for the mainstem of the Tapajós River in the state of Pará – São Luiz do Tapajós, Jatobá and Chacorão. Together they would flood a total of 198,400 hectares (ha), including 11,000 ha of the Amazonia and Juruena National Parks and over 23,000 ha of the Itaituba I and II National Forests. These dams would also have significant impacts on several indigenous lands and communities, including the Mundurucu, Apiaká de Pimental, Akaybãe, Remédio, Sai Cinza, São Martinho and Boca do Igarapé Pacu

AZFL land posted by another I-Hub member:

Fazenda Jatuarana is a rural forest property of 36,481.629 hectares located in the municipality of Apui, 260 nautical miles south-south east of the city of Manaus, capital of the state of Amazonas in Brazil. Title was rendered by all of the pertinent authorities to the previous owners in compliance with law no 1826 of the Brazilian Civil Code and published in the Diario Oficial, as required by such law on the 30th of December 1987, under article number 26,391 on that date. The property is located at the geographical coordinates from point F-8A, at Latitude 07.31’04, 18468 South and Longitude 60,32’12,36491” WGr, with flat coordinates UTM 771.837,95 East and 9.168,238,55 North. The property is inscribed registered in the State Land Office under Protocol 409028, with Registry number 399638 Lv8, effective through seal number AG030633 and digital verifier 7E3-6084-2080-DCO7, in the name of AMAZONAS FORESTAL LLC.