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05/19/06 6:00 AM

#5481 RE: profdoj83 #5473

profdoj thank You, yes the article -

Into the Lungs of Hell -
By Craig D. Guillot -

Craig try to describe the situation of the
miners - truly the reality is probable
worse than what is told -

Craig may haven't been working in mining? -

i have been in the mining a long time -
prospected, walked and crawled into
many old mines -

i am still here for i used to have -
canarie-songbird with me in -
if the song stopped -
the angel told me -
"you have ten second to get out" -
many times i been there -

i still have some old mines - and
some optioned out to different comp. -
and i have much to thank my Lord for -

i will try to describe what may killed
10000s of miners-children in Cerro Rico -

please read following -
ex. latest article -

Company spokesman David Parker said -
the victims were not working underground -
at the time of the accident.

"We don't know what the cause was.
That's what we're investigating, and we
certainly don't want speculate at this
point in time.
So that's why we want to get there on
the ground ourselves," he said.

Kimberley Mayor James Ogilvie said -
the four victims were rushed to the regional
hospital in Cranbrook, which is about
a 30-minute drive south of Kimberley.

Details are sketchy, but it appears that
someone involved in the reclamation work
called 911, reporting
a person had succumbed to gas.

the reality is that most of the children
in Potosi, who lost their daddy to the
666 - gas - You can't smell - also have
to try to feed their younger sisters and
brothers - so as young as 9-10 yrs old they
will try to work in the mine run by
bureaucrats who has not or don't care -
about the safety for the children-miners? -

Before the children enter the mine -
they have been told to worship the figure
placed at the entrance -

each mine has its own effigy of el Tio
(literally 'the Uncle', a standard euphemism for
the 666 Devil) in place.

The workers see no inconsistency in this?

Below, in the mines, they are nothing short of
devil worshippers? -

Above ground the miners are perfect Catholic
Christians -

- I'm just thanking You all - the FMNJ Shareholders -
the FMNJ - Mission - but I just think that only -
because You cannot see him - He is with You -
the last link for the Children?