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03/18/15 3:35 PM

#33011 RE: Phocker #33010

Thank you, sir. I got beat up once upon a time, too, and it made me want to do something about it. If nothing else, I can at least educate people about how crooked this industry is, and how it works. If you know enough about it, you can at least avoid being a victim. Best not to trade at all in the pinky casino. But if you're going to play, you should at least know the rules. In the pinks, there are almost no rules. It's like three-card monte.

I'm not saying EAPH is particularly evil or anything. They're just typical. A good example to use as an instructional tool.

What have you learned so far? I hope it's lesson one: do not believe the story. And maybe lesson two: always manage your losses. Use sell stops. In other words, don't just let the insiders get your money and keep it. The EAPH insiders have been making their living at this for years. It should come as no surprise that you got snookered, any more than losing some money playing the games at the carnival.